
5160 of 243 items


by Pastor Skip

Yes, these are things that blow stuff up! Usually we think of bombshells in a negative way, as if in a war of some kind. Well, we ARE in a war, and we need some bombshells to blow some stuff up!

Reading the Bible this week uncovered all kinds of bombshells, able to blow up all kinds of stuff in my mind, if I would allow it. Imagine that! An enemy wants to bomb you, and you have the ability to cause it to pass by.

God, you see, is an enemy of worldliness and unfaithfulness. He wants to drop bombs on all of that which we cling to that isn’t Him! He isn’t OUR enemy, but the enemy of all that prevents us from yielding to Him.

Do we, then, let Him blow up the stuff in our lives that prevents us from living His Way? Or do we pass Him off so we can keep doing what we want, unencumbered with the Ways of the Spirit? Can you see it? Is it too simple? The Bible really does provide all kinds of bombshells to blow up the stuff in our lives hostile to God! His purpose is not OUR destruction, but the destruction of what keeps us from Him!

Why not try reading the Bible, today, with this idea in mind, that God will drop insight upon you! That He will instruct you in how to live! That He will show you how much He loves you! That He will reveal to you what you need to know, and DO!

Operation Christmas Child

by Pastor Skip

Is is time to start packing Christmas shoe boxes for children around the world, in partnership with Samaritans Purse. What a joy! If you have any questions about the shoe box ministry, please see Joyce Krull.

Another Gun Tragedy

by Pastor Skip

Mixed with the almost unbearable grief is the growing outcry for some kind of change; some kind of control; just some way to stop it all. The pain is real, and so is the National Confusion about what to do. In this day of instant communication opinions flow like water, the media has a field day with our emotions, and the enemy of our very souls increases his purpose to rob, kill, and destroy.

Is there an answer? With so many tangled and intertwined issues of safety and rights, protections and freedoms, can anyone see through the fog of it all? Can a government really DO anything about it?

As if the horror of mass shootings isn’t enough for our National psyche, what about this “dirty dozen”?

  1. Marriage, marital issues, & problems
  2. Parenting
  3. Debt & financial problems
  4. Shootings, gun control, crime & the prison crisis
  5. Illnesses, medicine, diet & healthcare
  6. Relationships. Contracts. Lawsuits & justice
  7. Power, control, authoritarianism, government & leadership
  8. Immigration, State’s rights, & National boundaries/identity
  9. Women’s rights, minority rights, discrimination & personhood
  10. Sexuality, porn, gender confusion & personal identity
  11. Bullying, anger issues, power & submission
  12. Confidence issues, pride, & a surrendered faith

It’s a fair question to ask how I came up with this 12, and not some others, for surely I’ve missed some. I admit to trying to ‘simplify’ the entire question, because I am convinced we are caught in a ‘web of complexity’ when in fact ‘simple’ is the answer. This list did not come from the daily paper or the nightly news, but from the Church Directory!

A pastor is one who shepherds the sheep, to use a Biblical metaphor. This has many facets, but most would agree that it includes knowing the sheep, and protecting them, if possible, and leading them to the green pastures of good food. So when I let my eyes scan the Directory and think about what I “know” about those persons, well, the list forms.

I suppose our President feels this way at times. Our Congress, hopefully, is thinking about these things. Surely our Supreme Court must deal with this thought process to do its job.

So what’s gone wrong? With all these people in government, wanting to do what is best for their constituents, why are we in such a time of wretchedness, in the midst of the very abundance we all work for?

Is there answer, or are the problems just too big, too complex, and the Nation too fractured to deal with them?
I say it is simple. I say we can deal with them, effectively. I say the answer is the same it’s been for over 6500 years of recorded history. The purpose of history, after all, is to learn from the choices and decisions of those before us, and to not make the same mistakes. We have a book of history that reveals the record of man’s choices, and the results of those choices. It is clear. It is simple.

The Bible records in the Old Testament the choices that the people of God, the Hebrews, made over many years. It reveals the Blessings they enjoyed when they obeyed God, and it records the suffering they experienced when God allowed their enemies to put them into bondage.

Nothing could be more clear, more simple to comprehend. Follow God and be Blessed; reject God and be in bondage to another.

The New Testament reveals the Savior for ALL mankind, and offers this salvation to ALL, regardless of anything but the simple choice of obedience!

Why won’t America get it? Why won’t America wake up? Why are so many determined to keep the veil over their eyes and deny the answer right in front of them, the answer our Founders knew and tried to create a government to continue?

Why, indeed, would you WANT a separation between Church and State? Why, instead, wouldn’t you want an INFUSION of Church and State? Because you don’t want the State telling the Church what to do? It cannot. The State is a creation, and the creation cannot rule the Creator! Let the Creator have His way!

Look at the results. We’ve thrown God out of our government and then wonder why we have so many problems. I told you, the answer is really very simple. Return to the Lord Jesus Christ, call upon Him for His Leadership, surrender to Him, and expect the Blessings to return. Or not …

A Truth

by Pastor Skip

I love science because science proves things. The entire methodology of the ‘scientific method’ is to be absolutely certain that something is as we think it to be, and that we can prove it! Some people think science and faith have to go separate ways, because we can’t “prove” faith; that faith isn’t absolute, but metaphysical (beyond physics).
Consider, then, the word “truth.” What is truth? How can we know, or is it even possible to know for certain that something is truth.

Now consider the new “discoveries” about Pluto. Isn’t it amazing that what scientists used to tell us was “truth” about Pluto has been modified by what we learn from the satellite fly-by and wonderful pictures sent back to us. Has truth been changed, or have we learned new things? Perhaps both? If scientific truth has been changed, then it wasn’t true, so that may challenge what we say is “truth” so concretely in our science books.

The Bible tells us some interesting things, some fantastical things, that we struggle to comprehend, much less understand for our daily lives. Jesus said “I tell you the truth” at least 69 times in the Bible record, and I’m sure much more often in His real life. In John 14:6 He even goes so far as to say that He is “the truth.” That’s a definition of who Jesus Christ is. Truth. Can we prove it?

In Exodus 3:13 Moses asks God what His name is! God replies “I Am that I Am.” God simply says He is; He exists; implying, of course, that we now have to deal with that!

Perhaps even more peculiar is what John 1:1 says- that God existed BEFORE anything else, because everything has been made by God, except God, Who has been existent forever.

The point is that Truth is more than what we think “correct” is, based upon our ability to prove it! Truth is another name for Jesus Christ, the Messiah, God Almighty.

What our human cultures say is correct, as in politically correct or socially correct, is not necessarily what God wants. This is a huge problem. We are daily making choices based upon what WE want, instead of what God wants.

Think about how profoundly sad this is, because God wants for us the very best! God wants for us a life of joy and happiness beyond what we can comprehend- a life with Him!!!

Banks High School Graduation

by Pastor Skip

I recently attended the Banks High School graduation, which was wonderful in many ways, especially for the graduates and their families. There were so many people there it was heartwarming to see all the support. But one thing really struck me: there were so many people there I didn’t know! And I’ve been a Pastor here in Banks since 1988, before these graduates were even born!

I began to ponder some questions:
Is the Church doing its job, or do people just not care?
How can so many seem to reject the community of faith right in their own home town?
Is it a lack of evangelism? Discipleship? Prayer and faithfulness?
Is it that the church is no different from the world, and yet the world offers more fun?
Are we, the followers of Christ, not attractive? Is our behavior not inviting?
Worse yet, are we driving them away somehow?
Is it OUR behavior?
Are we too judgmental? Or too permissive? Too legalistic? Or too critical?
We talk about Love, but do we do it? Can we do it?
Or are we in Banks under a spiritual attack of some kind; with a veil over us, blinding us to the truth?
Has God abandoned us? Or has He turned us over to the enemy because of our sins?
Do YOU have some questions like these?????

Fortunately, there are some answers we can read in the Bible, when we get overwhelmed like this, and perhaps question our own worth or effectiveness:

John 3:16 Tells us that God is up to something, and has made provision for us who believe, no matter what we see or how we feel about the conditions here. It is not OUR worth and value that win the day, but that of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Who saves those who believe in Him. This, I think, is pretty good news!

2 Cor 3:5 tells us that whatever we think we have to offer, if it’s any good, comes from Him, not us. The Lord is at work, and our job is to cooperate as best we can, and then trust in Him for the results. I think our pride gets in the way, and we try to measure things and define success differently than He does. When things go well we puff up and try to take credit, which of course isn’t very wise. When things go badly we suffer in our confidence and think we’re worthless or failures, which is also not very wise. In both examples we are putting ourselves in the seat of responsibility, instead of God Almighty!

The lesson, then, is to return again to a place of trust in Jesus Christ and be patient with how He works things out. Really? Really. Let faith arise, and the enemies be scattered!

If you’ve been dealing with these kinds of things, I recommend to you a review of God’s Promises!

Mexico Mission Trip

by Pastor Skip

Please keep our Mexico Missions Team in your prayers. Pray for continued health and peace as they prepare for this journey and for the Lord’s covering while they are away. May their hearts and the hearts of those they server be impacted in a new way by the love of God! The team is excited to go down and server the people in Mexico and they are so grateful for your continued love and support along the way! They will go down as an extension of you, for the glory of God!

Holy Saturday

by Pastor Skip

The two quotations below came within the same week, Holy Week, and I rejoice to ponder them and learn from them, as the Holy Spirit takes me on a bit of a Camino, or journey. Perhaps you will be Blessed as well …

Palm Sunday is celebrated to remember the day Jesus triumphantly entered the City of Jerusalem, fulfilling Messianic prophecy to become, as the Baptist testified, “The Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.” For Believers in Christ today, “we should celebrate His triumphant entry into US !!!” (Anita Dugan, Dayspring Christian Fellowship)

“We live caught in the tension between the already and the not yet.” (Amanda Cronin, Operations Coordinator, Humanities and Social Sciences, Biola University)

Jesus Christ doesn’t come “into” us without purpose. His “triumph” over death, hell, and the grave is not just for the days past, as for others, but also for us, in the now. This is why WE can rejoice, because He is available to us, now, for whatever victory we need.

But we are caught between the ‘already and the not yet’! Isn’t that a great insight? What HAS happened is so wonderful, yes, but we can’t live in or upon the past. What we face right now is so dominant in our lives that the future is hard, sometimes, for us to grasp. The “not yet” seems to stifle our faith! We can weaken in spirit because of the “not yet.” Perhaps the entire concept of ‘backsliding’ is because of the “not yet,” as we give up on the Promises of God.

Don’t give up! God is not dead! His Promises are certain, because He is Faithful. We may be between the ‘already and the not yet’ but that doesn’t limit the power of Almighty God. He isn’t deterred by time. He isn’t taken off His game by the mistakes of mankind. Just think of what the Power of Forgiveness has done for you! Just think of what the Power of Forgiveness could do THROUGH you!!! Today, right now, dare to believe! Risk the step of Faith that God is calling you to take! The ‘already’ has happened, and proves God’s Love and incomprehensible ability to do whatever He wishes to do. The ‘not yet’ is about to unfold, and it will most certainly be according to His Victory In Us!!!

Concentrations of Power

by Pastor Skip

It is Good Friday, and this little phrase came to me: CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER. But why? What is the Lord trying to say to me? To us?

We know that in team sports, CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER are not only sought, but necessary to win.

We know that in the world of commerce, companies buy up one another in CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER, to better compete in the marketplace.

We know that in the history of the world, one country after another has launched CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER to advance their national or political agenda.

What we see in the world’s religions today are CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER to win both converts and economic advantage. The desire to ‘win’ is a pretty normal thing in the animal kingdom.

Jesus Christ talked about another Kingdom. His Kingdom.

It seems to me there are CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER happening right now, not only on earth, but in the Spiritual realms. Look at the newspaper, or TV, or any source for news you have. It’s impossible to miss the tension developing all over the world between Islam and Christianity.

And yet, somehow, we must understand that Christianity is not a power. Christianity is a following. Christianity is a relationship with a person. Christianity is a faith IN someOne.

The Power in Christianity is not us; it is Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of Christ is His. His rule. His reign. His Power. It’s not like we join the winning side in some human contest and we win the trophy! Jesus Christ is the Victor, and we, if we will, are His.

It’s Good Friday, for us! His sacrifice was for us! His Victory is for us!

The great CONCENTRATIONS OF POWER going on right now, however they might be, have an outcome already decided. Jesus Christ defeats the other powers, builds His Kingdom, and unfolds eternity …

Asante is Coming Soon!

by Pastor Skip

The Asante children’s choir from East Africa will be at Dayspring on Sunday, April 26th, 6:00 pm for a special concert. Please sign up if you are able to host some of the Asante children and chaperones while they are in the area on April 23,24,25 (Thursday and Friday night). See Amanda for host family information.