Why are we so stubborn when it comes to God Almighty?
Why are we so selfish?
Do we just have it too good? Are we just spoiled … rotten?
Do we not suffer enough to BE dependent?

I’m asking all these questions, and many more, because I am trying to answer a greater question: “What kind of God is this that we say we believe in?”

What kind of God would create and then destroy? What kind of God would say He loves us and then kill us?

Should we search for a different God? A better God?

One who would do what WE want???? A god we could control with sacrifices and worship.

In 2,017 years since Christ’s resurrection, have we forgotten faith itself? The faith that says God will keep His promises, if we will obey Him, follow Him, and serve Him?

Have we lost the zeal of the new disciple? Those who were blinded to this world by being exposed to the world to come?

Have we lost the adventure, the excitement, the expectation….the very wonder of it all? To see God Almighty at work!!!!
Are we just bored? (means to weary by dullness and repetition)

If our lives are dull and repetitive, are we even following God? Or have we somehow gotten off on a different path, not of His choosing, but of ours?

If we pray for revival, are we ready to accept that God may shake the place up, and make a lot of changes? Will we even know it if He comes?

“Our God is an awesome God…” the song goes, and He comes to set the captives FREE. Free from boredom. Free from bondage. Free from the temptation of trying to tell God what to do. Free TO the exciting journey of faith and the experience of living a life of service to Him. What a ride!